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FluentWorldsAdditional information
- You can use Balance transfer service 10 times per day.
- To use the Balance transfer service, at least 3 AZN should be spent from the moment of activation of the number.
- For each transfer of 0.2 AZN, 0.5 AZN and 1 AZN the service fee is 0.12 AZN, for each transfer of 2 AZN the service fee is 0.24 AZN, and for each transfer of 5 AZN the service fee is 0.6 AZN.
- Balance Transfer service is available only for prepaid numbers.
- The amount transferred to the account of the subscriber does not impact on the period of lifecycle.
- In case of subscriber dials wrong number using Balance transfer service, charged amount will not be refunded.
- This service is not available in roaming