Once connected to the Asan İmza - the mobile electronic signature system, you'll be able to certify the identity, use e-services and sign important documents directly from your mobile phone! It is possible to purchase Asan İmza service number by using “Səyyar Nar” service or by applying to our official dealer stores.
For individuals
  • 0
  • 0**
  • 3
  • 0.00
For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
  • 18
  • 2.50
  • 3
  • 0.00
For public servants and representatives of local government agencies
  • 16
  • 0
  • 3
  • 0.00

Depending on the type of activity, you can select one of 3 types of Asan İmza services:

Asan İmza service for individuals (citizens and foreigners with temporary/permanent residence)
Asan İmza service for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Asan İmza service for public servants and representatives of local government agencies.
*VAT inclusive

**Starting from 1 July 2021 the monthly subscription fee for "Citizen" type "Asan Imza" service will be cancelled and will not be deducted from the following citizens:

- those who have connected to the service since June 20, 2020 till July 1, 2021 and pay monthly subscription fee of 2.50 AZN

- those who connected to the service starting from July 1, 2021.

Monthly fee for citizens who have activated the “Citizen” type of “Asan Imza” service until June 20, 2020, and paid 18 AZN for service fee, will remain 2.50 AZN. These citizens can apply for "Business" type of certificate during the validity period of the "Asan Imza" service. If this category of citizens does not wish to pay a monthly subscription fee, they can apply to the Customer Service Center, cancel the current service, and connect to the new tariff. 

Attention! Citizens, who have connected to "Asan Imza" service "Citizen" type since June 20, 2020 and those, who have received the service since July 1, 2021 will not be able to receive "Asan Imza" "Business" certificates.

Asan İmza services are provided at the following addresses where Nar representatives operate:

  • 24,  Bul-Bul Avenue, Baku (next to “Həyat”  pharmacy)
  • 558,  Huseyn Javid Avenue, apt.40, Baku, "Elmler Akademiyasi" underground (opposite to YapıKredi Bank)
  • 74, Gara Garayev Avenue, Neftchiler, Baku (near Neftchiler underground)
  • 9, Tarlan Aliyarbekov  Street, Baku ( Fountain Square)
  • 95, Tebriz Street, "Narimanov" underground, Baku. (exit of  Narimanov underground towards the cinema) 
  • 23/24, Mahammad Hadi, Ahmedli, Baku (exit of Ahmadli underground)
  • 56, Mireli Gashgay Street, Nasimi district, Baku, Ministry of Taxes
  • 197, Sulh Street, Sabunchu, Baku, ASAN Service centre No.4
  • Sulh Street, 2nd Micro-district, Sumgait (opposite 34th estate)
  • Sulh Street, 1st Micro-district Irshad Telecom, Sumgait (near Sumgait Education department)
  • 2 “V”, Mugan Avenue, Sabirabad (near Flag square)
  • 261, Ataturk Avenue, Ganja
  • 1, Tebriz Street, Nakhchivan, opposite Tedris mall
  • 44, Aga Neymatulla, Baku city Taxes Department
  • Khagani Street, Shirvan (near school No.18)
  • 54/16, Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Mingachevir (near Az.Teachers Institute (ASTI)
  • 119, H.Aliyev Avenue, Guba (near Central Market/opposite Bank Standard)
  • 110, Nizami Street, Barda
  • 52/12, Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Ganja (near Azerittifag)
  • H.Aliyev Avenue, Bilasuvar (opposite Heydar Aliyev centre)
  • 6, F.Akhundov Street, Sheki (opposite B.Vahabzade garden (monument)
  • 32, G.Ismayilzade Street, Imishli (near Central Market)
  • H.Aliyev Avenie, Agjabedi (near Central Market)
  • 39 A.M.Sharifzade Street Baku, Asan Service centre No.3
  • H.Aliyev Avenue Kurdamir (near Statistics and Police Office)
  • Hazi Aslanov Street, Lenkaran (near Access Bank)
  • Talishkhanov Street, Masalli (near Bank Respublika)
  • 59, H.Aliyev Avenue, Zagatala
  • Sabir Street, Tovuz (opposite Executive Power Office)
  • Intersection of H.Aliyev Avenue and M.F.Akhundov Street, Jalilabad (opposite Central Postal Office)
  • Shirvani Street, Shamakhi (near Music school)

Asan İmza service can be applied to both current and new numbers. The cost of a Nar number supporting the Asan İmza service is 4 AZN*.

To activate this service, you need:

  • To apply to one of the Nar customer service centers. After completing the necessary documents, you will be given a new Nar number or a duplicate of your current number;
  • For activation of electronic certificate, contact the representative office of the ASAN Certification Services Center at the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. ACSC representative operates under Asan Service centres. 

For more detailed information on Asan İmza service:

  • Contact ASAN Imza call center by the phone number 1847 ;
  • Send an e-mail to [email protected] ;
  • Enter Asan imza

1. Subscribers can receive relevant information about tariffs, payments, changes and conditions related to Asan İmza service (depending on the type of service) on “Azerfon” official website (

2. A Subscriber is provided with an Asan İmza SIM card to ensure the provision of Asan İmza service in accordance with these Rules.

3. Asan İmza provided to the Subscriber provides an opportunity to replace the physical signature of the Subscriber with an electronic signature by means of Asan İmza PIN codes and Asan İmza program installed on the SIM card.

4. Subscribers can use the Asan İmza service to electronically sign contracts, forms, acts and other electronic documents related to various areas of electronic services.

5. These Rules confirm that the Subscriber is familiar with the rules of use of Asan İmza service and tariffs, and is aware of the following:

5.1. Information exchange with Number connected to Asan İmza service will be realized within the framework of SMS service;

5.2. To subscribe to the Asan İmza service, the Subscriber may apply to “Azerfon” Customer Service Offices - receive a mobile electronic signature service Asan İmza for a period not exceeding 3 (three) years by making the appropriate payment. Nar is not responsible for the non-issuance of relevant certificates to the Subscriber by the Asan certificate service center of the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Azerbaijan Republic after the payment of fees for connection to a mobile operator in accordance with the type of Asan İmza service.

5.3. To terminate the Asan İmza service Subscriber should apply to Nar customer service offices. If the Subscriber is a legal entity, a written application must be submitted to a curator or service group.

5.4. Subscriber can connect to Asan İmza service only using a debt-free number and two-way open telecommunication line.

5.5. In cases specified in the contract between the Asan Certificate Service Center of the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Subscriber, this service may be terminated prematurely. Such cases are regulated by the agreement signed between the Subscriber and Asan Certification Service Center of the State Tax Service. In such cases, Nar Mobile operator has no responsibility towards the Subscriber and should direct all claims and complaints of the Subscriber to the Asan Certification Service Center of the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Azerbaijan Republic.

5.6. In case of termination of service provision in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Subscriber Agreement for the number connected to the Asan İmza service, the use of Asan İmza service on the number is automatically terminated and the Subscriber is informed about it. Resumption of Asan Imza service on the number is performed in accordance with the relevant Subscriber Agreement.

5.7. The Subscriber confirms that he/she is aware of the features and tariffs of the Asan Imza service. The Subscriber can use the Asan Imza service in roaming. In this case, payment for the Asan Imza service provision will be charged within the roaming tariffs.

5.8. The Subscriber is responsible for the use of the Asan Imza service on the number for any reason by third parties (including theft or loss of the number or device). To prevent such use, the Subscriber should immediately call the "195" Subscriber Service Center or contact the Asan Certificate Service Center of the State Tax Service or Nar Customer Service Offices.

5.9. In case of a number ownership change, it is necessary to change the Asan Imza SIM card.

5.10. If the Asan Certificate Service Center of the State Tax Service refuses to issue the relevant certificate to the Subscriber, the Subscriber may reclaim the amount paid in advance to connect to the Asan İmza service within 2 (two) weeks from the date of receipt of the Asan İmza SIM card from “Azerfon”. Otherwise, as well as if the Asan Imza service is activated on the number is not used, the relevant service fee paid for connection to the Asan Imza service is not refunded.

5.11. The requirements arising from these Rules shall apply to the products and services received under the signed Subscription Agreement.

5.12. All other Terms and Conditions of the Subscription Agreement shall remain in force unchanged.

5.13. The Rules shall come into force upon their publication in and or other mass media.

Prolongation of the service via SMS

This service is available to “Asan Imza” SIM card subscribers whose “Asan Imza” service expires on that SIM card.

Note: If the subscriber is a user of active (or valid) "Asan Imza" service and wants to get information about the type and period of validity of "Asan Imza" service, user should send an SMS message with the keyword "status" to the short number "8500".

To prolong the validity of the service via SMS, the user should follow the next steps:

1. Decide which type of service to use (“Citizen", "Business” or "State”.

2. Familiarize yourself with the tariffs for each type of service, as well as check the availability of the appropriate amount on the balance to activate the required type of "Asan Imza".

3. To prolong the "Asan Imza" service, send an SMS to the short number "8500" with one of the following keywords:

For extension of “Citizen" service type: ferdi

For extension of "Business” service type: biznes

For extension of "State” type service: dovlet

Depending on the type of Asan Imza, the service fees are as follows:

“Citizen"  Asan Imza service type is free of charge (monthly subscription fee - 0 AZN).

"Business” Asan Imza service type - 18 AZN (monthly subscription fee - 2.5 AZN).

"State” Asan Imza service type - 16 AZN (monthly subscription fee - 0 AZN).


The subscriber is fully responsible for the incorrect choice of the corresponding keyword, as well as for the use of the service by a third party (including theft or loss of the number or device). The mobile operator Nar shall not be held liable in connection with the previously mentioned.

Upon initial connection to the "Asan Imza" service, connection via SMS-messages is not possible, and you need to apply to customer service offices for this purpose.

For initial connection to the "Asan Imza" service, a subscriber can subscribe to the respective service for a 3 (three) years’ period by contacting the Customer Service Office representatives and making the necessary payment. After three (3) years the subscriber can extend the service for the next 3 years by sending an SMS from the number that supports "Asan Imza" service with the keyword to the corresponding short number. After making the appropriate payment to the Nar mobile operator, the "Asan" Certificate Service Center under the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall issue the appropriate certificate to the Subscriber. Nar mobile operator is not responsible for the non-issuance of the relevant certificate.

Subscribers who have cancelled the "Asan Imza" service for any reason (including termination of use of the number or transfer of the number to the same or a third party) cannot extend the "Asan Imza" service for the next period via SMS.

Please note that it is not enough just to renew the service via SMS; also, during the last 30 days of the certificate validity, users must apply for renewal of "Asan Imza" certificates for the next 3 years online at the unified Internet taxpayer portal Once the "Asan Imza" certificate expires, it cannot be renewed online and the user will have to personally apply to the Asan Certificate Service Center (ACSC) at the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to renew the certificate. Please refer to the "User's Guide" for the renewal at

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Xırdalan - 1A, H. Aliyev str. (opposite the old Bazaar)
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Baku, Memar Ajami - M. Ajami, 3005 M.Jafarov str.
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Baku, Neftchilar - 74, Gara Garayev ave.
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Narimanov district, Akademik Ziya Bunyadov avenue 38C (in the building of KOBIA)
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